Pretzel chips, hard, gluten free - Wartości odżywcze, kalorie (kcal)


This item comes from dietary surveys (specifically FNDDS) which offer detailed insights into the nutrients and components of everyday foods and drinks. It may not necessarily represent a single basic product, but rather a composite dish made from multiple ingredients.

Kalorie według źrółda


Energia 380 kcal -
Białko 3.43 g 6.9% DV 36.11% D
Tłuszcz 6.51 g 8.3% DV
Węglowodany 76.7 g 28% DV
Cukry 4.12 g -
Błonnik 3.2 g 11% DV 60.15% D
Woda 6.75 g -
Sód 2473 mg 108% DV
Cholesterol 0 mg 0% DV


Cholina 2.8 mg 0.5% DV 2.68% D
Kwas foliowy 2 ug - -
Witamina B1 (Tiamina) 0.02 mg 1.3% DV 6.58% D
Witamina B12 0 ug 0% DV 0% D
Witamina B2 (Ryboflawina) 0 mg 0.2% DV 1.21% D
Witamina B3 (Niacyna) 0.23 mg 1.4% DV 7.43% D
Witamina B6 0.05 mg 2.9% DV 15.48% D
Witamina C 0.3 mg 0.3% DV 1.75% D
Witamina K (filochinon) 0.5 ug 0.4% DV 2.19% D


Wapń 1 mg 0.1% DV 0.4% D
Miedź 0.05 mg 5.7% DV 29.82% D
Żelazo 0.45 mg 2.5% DV 13.16% D
Magnez 7 mg 1.7% DV 8.77% D
Fosfor 20 mg 1.6% DV 8.42% D
Potas 67 mg 1.4% DV 7.5% D
Selen 2.1 ug 3.8% DV 20.1% D
Sód 2473 mg 108% DV 566% D
Cynk 0.09 mg 0.8% DV 4.31% D

Brak danych
