Daily Value (DV)
Short:Daily Value (DV): The recommended amount of a nutrient to consume each day.
Long:Daily Value (DV): Daily Values are the recommended amounts of nutrients to consume or not to exceed each day. They are used to help consumers understand the nutrient content in the context of a total daily diet. For example, the DV for calcium is 1300 mg, meaning that this is the recommended daily intake for an average adult.
On Nutrio we use the recommendations from:
Percent Daily Value (%DV)
Short:Percent Daily Value (%DV): Shows how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to your daily diet.
Long:Percent Daily Value (%DV): Percent Daily Value (%DV) indicates how much a nutrient in a single serving of food contributes to the total daily diet. It helps you determine if a serving of food is high or low in a nutrient. For instance, if the DV for magnesium is 420 mg and a serving of spinach provides 79 mg, then the %DV for magnesium in that serving of spinach is 19%. This means that one serving of spinach provides 19% of the recommended daily intake for magnesium. Long:
Nutrient Density
Short:Nutrient Density: A measure of how much of a nutrient you get per 2000 kcal of the food.
Long:Nutrient Density: Nutrient Density indicates the amount of a nutrient you get per 2000 kcal of the food. This helps you understand how nutrient-rich a food is relative to its calorie content. For example, if a food has a high nutrient density score, it means you get a significant amount of that nutrient for every 2000 kcal consumed. This normalization to 2000 kcal makes it easier to compare the nutrient content of different foods.